This irreverent and satirical painting "Urao Urao" by Hadia Moiz scoff at the incompetent Pakistan's political system which damaged social and moral values of many.In this painting,splattered blood and outline of Pakistan maps with vulture line depicts the marauding politicians of the country. Bordering with these self centered, power-hungry vultures, who became so hungry that they forget the important things to do and are willing to go to any extent.They don't even care if their hunger deprived the common man basic necessities. These ugly,disgusting and blood sucking vultures are actually robbing their own country blind.Consequently, Pakistan has not only faced the economic pain but also enormous embarrassment,when this nuclear-armed nation was placed on a "grey list". Still on their accountability they called themselves pious but in reality they are unhygienic, disgusting and ugly VULTURES.!!!
good one