Bahria University

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Don't Lose Hope!

So after running from pillar to post and claiming that rather than opting for loans Khan would commit suicide, the reality has struck and it has unfortunately stuck hard. The man believed to be the expert at collecting alms has failed this time. The begging bowl that he shattered himself is now being put together with a concoction of elfy and burnol. Parveen Shakirs couplet augments well with the situation on behalf of IMF.
وہ کہیں بھی گیا لوٹا تو مرے پاس آیا

بس یہی بات ہے اچھی مرے ہرجائی کی

To much of our amazement those who used to sing the mantra of “say no to loans” in a chorus with Khan are no suddenly more realistic and are telling us that initiatives take time to bear fruit. When we said the same we were dismissed as ignorant fools not aware of his super powers. It seems politics is nothing more than a competition of telling lies the better you are at doing so the more successful you may become.  Amidst of all the economic turmoil lets not lose hope because according to Murad Saeed “200bn Dallars” were about to reach Pakistan……

The writer can be reached on twitter @murtazakazi1

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