Bahria University

Sunday 14 October 2018

Not so Fast!

Not so fast!!

Once again the Government is caught between the devil and the deep sea. The IMF loan on which the government locked its eyes has not been finalized because US the major stake holder with 16.52 shares says that it is considering if the loan would be granted or not. Moreover, it is the only country with veto power to cancel the deal.

The primary concern of US is the Chinese investment in CPEC. According to the IMF chief economist Maurice Obstfeld, Pakistan is being lead into a debt-trap by China, which is almost impossible to repay and that would affect the repayment of loans that IMF lends to Pakistan.
In response our juggler Asad Umar has made a comment that US does not have the power to hold the IMF back, may be its time for introspection at Umar’s end. He has already eaten couple of humble pies and by the look of it he has liked it so much that he wants to make it a staple food. 

The writer can be reached on twitter @murtazakazi1

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